Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Van Morrison
昨天在Thomson Plaza

Van Morrison

They mocked me when I was singing the songs
Trying to get back to something more simple than we have
They mocked me ‘cos I told it like it was

Wrote about disappointment and greed
Wrote about what we really didn’t need in our lives
Make us feel alive and whole

Illusions and pipe dreams on the one hand
And straight reality is always cold
Saying something hard edged is off the wall
And it might seem too bold

他唱的是人间的苦楚,世界的颠倒,人性的丑陋,但是,他的歌声,透出暖意,让你觉得一切还是有希望,而且还多了一份游戏人间的快意恩仇。他有一首歌, Have I Told You Lately, Rod Steward 翻唱过。Rod Steward 把歌曲变的媚俗,煽情十分。Van Morrison 唱的,让人如沐春风,爱是一种付出,无私的,轻轻的,踏雪无痕,但是意义更为深远,更牵动人心。

Van Morrison 唱了40多年,他的音乐糅合了蓝调,爵士,灵魂,Celtic Music, 等风格。40年来,他都在试验,但, 不是在跟潮流。可是,他一出专辑,还是有人要买。这个最新的专辑一发表,就在美国的BillBoard版上排名第十。他没有耍什么Rap, 没耍什么Hip Hop,也不须要跟潮流挂钩。他把心思放在音乐,放在歌词,放眼在体会和感受生命。从他的歌声和歌词里,你听到的是,一个歌者对生命的关注,对生命的热爱,非常的人性。也因为这样,他的音乐不须与潮流挂钩,他的音乐的对象是生命,所以他的音乐也流露生命的韧性。在他的音乐里,我看到了一个艺术家的精神:一种对生命的终极关怀。现在这个以消费为主,求变为本的社会,这样的艺术家,就是社会的良知。

Van Morrison

Soul is a feeling, feeling deep within
Soul is not the colour of your skin
Soul is the essence, essence from within
It is where everything begins

Soul is what you’ve been through
What’s true for you
Where you going to
What you’re gonna do

Soul is your station for the folk of your nation
Something that you wear with pride
Soul can be your vision or something that is hidden
It’s not something that you gotta hide

把大众的音乐形式变成艺术,在西方世界比比皆是。Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen也能和时下的流行乐手占一席之地。创作40多年,没有被岁月淘汰,却象美酒,愈发香醇美味。最重要的是,这些大众音乐艺术家对艺术,对生命,对人性的关怀,让他们的创作因岁月的洗礼,而愈加成熟,深邃。这些音乐艺术家的努力不懈,对创作的执着,让技艺更为纯熟,创作更动人,更能与歌迷对话。当然,歌迷也对他们不离不弃。

相比之下,东方的一些大众音乐创作者(甚至创作),年纪越大,反而没有这样的持续的生命力。很多甚至都没在创作。最近和一年轻友人谈天,发现她颇熟悉Bob Dylan的音乐,可是罗大佑的歌曲却陌生了。


Van Morrison

Too long in exile
Too long not singing my song
Too long in exile
Too long like a rolling stone
Too long in exile

Too long in exile
Baby those people just ain't, just ain't your friends
Too long in exile my friend
You can never go home again

Well that isolated feeling
Drives you so close up against the wall
Till you feel like you can't go on
You've been in the same place for too long


象Van Morrison 这样,创作了这么多年,社会,国家,歌迷们甚至是其他的乐手,都是以他为敖的。我们为我们的历史,为我们的先辈感到骄傲吗?总觉得很多人都认为,他们都过时了,他们更应该与年轻人为伍,以年轻人为旗手。一个健忘和失忆的族群,怎么会尊重前人的耕耘怎么会想到要扶植前辈继续这些耕耘呢?

Van Morrison

People come and people go
One monkey don’t stop no show
I’m getting too tired to start all over again
Cos it ain’t gonna change no thing

There’s just all of this here land
Been trampled on by man
And all around me, all these birds of prey
And all I’m trying to do is just get by one more day

Only a fool would ever think things could ever be the same
Only a fool would surmise everyone is sane

I watch them come and go
I’m fed up with the status quo
And I’m feeling too tired to start all over again
Cos I know that it ain’t gonna change no thing

Only a fool could think that things would ever be simple again
Only a fool would surmise everyone is the same

So I watch them come and go
I don’t have time for the status quo
I say blessed be and I’m on my way, on my way
Cos it ain’t gonna change no thing, no, no, no, no, no, no

Well it ain’t gonna change no thing, yeah, yeah, yeah
Well it ain’t gonna change no thing

扯远了。扯远了。都是Van Morrison 惹出来的。 哈哈。


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